
Because you never know.

Call me morbid, call me crazy, but no early morning goes by without me wondering if today is the day.

Of all the passengers lost in the air over Washington DC this week, I wonder how many pondered the same thing Wednesday morning.

Because you never know when or how your number will be called, we all remain poignantly aware and certain that someday it will.

And at that instant the only thing that will matter is the eternal comfort or the eternal sorrow of those we leave behind.

Our own eternity will already be decided.

What will matter is the emotional remnant. The light legacy of confidence about where we went or the heavy burden of anguish and loneliness of our sudden departure.

While there’s no fully adequate preparation we can make, we can make our destination clearly, joyfully, and apparently known.

God bless and comfort all those families and friends left behind at 9pm Wednesday night.

Our hearts are with you.