Monthly Archives: January 2021

the biggest jackpot of all

That’s it. I’m starting a lottery.The odds of us winning are 100%.Not only do you win, but so does everyone around you.Everyone puts in $20 and promises to spend it on all of us.When the numbers are called and the winners awarded, you begin to notice some serious changes all around you. Your life changes.Everyone’s life changes.Half of the winnings don’t go to taxes right off the top because it’s a private venture.$500 million dollars….all of it…is spent on direct transformation of your surroundings. Overnight, every person in your city suddenly has a place to live, food to eat and a job to work.Your quality of life drastically improves.Your business booms. Everyone’s business booms.Your income skyrockets.Shelters close for lack of homeless.Food banks close for lack of need.Your family is safer, crime is rare.Parks are plentiful, streets are clear,and you notice people are a lot happier for the $20.Are you in?If you’re willing to spend $20 on a long shot,aren’t you willing to spend $20 on a sure thing?


I’ve finished all Netflix

and done most of Prime,

I’m thru with you Hulu

and YouTube online.

10 months you’ve drained me,

Of shows left to watch,

Consumed all your content

Both the bad and top notch.

Now I’m needing a feeding

Of something much more

Cuz pandemically speaking,

I’m a television whore.

auld lang syne

Reminiscing about childhood New Years eves, Mom and Dad threw the biggest and best parties hands down each year. Hundreds and hundreds anticipated their invitations.They were incredible at crowd matching, menu planning and making certain that friends had fun. However they were horrible at cleanup so each year they would wake us three kids about 4am after everyone left. They would go to bed while we worked for hours to make the house spotless and they would wake up around noon so amazed and thankful for our work. Their words of appreciation every New Year’s Day warmed our little hearts so much and always started our family off on the right foot for the new year. I sure miss them and how fun it was to be their kid so many years ago.