Monthly Archives: June 2020

Trumping a good gift.


On Father’s Day of all days!
My gift from my kids was a thorough cleaning out of my garage. After a couple long, hot hours of hard work, the very last sealed box found in the corner to stow or throw away was marked “Tomas for Grandkids.” Upon opening, we found 8 pristine original framed paintings from his “Tomas the Tortoise” children’s book series, signed, remarqued, titled and labeled, obviously a gift for our next generation of Millers put away years ago for discovery some special day long after he was gone. Father’s Day of all days! What a surprise!
I was excited just getting my garage cleaned up, but it’s just like Dad to trump a great gift with one much better!

the heat is on.

It pours from my pores
And drips from my lips
This sweat is profuse
From my nips to my hips.
The drenching continues
Whatever my pose
If it doesn’t stop soon
I’ll need to change clothes.
Water in, water out
Now I’m peeing a river
It’s just too damn hot
And I’d much rather shiver!