Meanwhile, behind the stone…

Meanwhile, behind the stone…

Hey, wake up.
-Hi, I can’t sleep.
So let’s talk about tomorrow.
-Can’t you see I’m a little wrapped up right now?
I can’t see a thing, it’s pitch black in here.
-Well get your glow on, Dad. Do that On The First Day thing again.
That’s better. Oh.My.Me! What in heaven’s name have they done to you!?
-Yeah, it wasn’t pretty.
Oh mercy, you need a shower. Let’s get you back to normal.
-Dad, here on out, things aren’t gonna be very normal anymore.
Oh yeah, tomorrow’s Our big day.
-Yeah, everyone’s.
Here’s a new outfit. Mary will be here sooner than We think.
-Right, then all hell breaks loose, and you-know-who’s gonna be mad for all eternity.
Yeah, We fixed that. He’s toast. Literally.
-Okay, I’m up. Let’s get busy.
Aren’t you eggcited about tomorrow?!

(To be continued)